May 2018 update
I am once again attempting to get the Johnson Ruffling Machine manufactured in larger quantities. I am employing a couple a people on a part time basis and will soon have more space to get organized. Unfortunately I will have to bump my prices up a bit. Check the pricing page for that information.
Please let me know if you want a machine even if you have already contacted me at an earlier date. Please include your address and phone or any other contact information. If you have contacted me in the past, give me the date of that first contact. In the interest of streamlining the process of getting machines to everyone who wants one, I am encouraging buyers to NOT get the dress plate unless you really need it. The dress plate can always be added later if you think you need it.
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I apologize that I have not had a chance to update this website until now.
I have not been able to make any rufflers for several months.
I don't know if I will get back to making the rufflers or not. I am 65 , ready and able to retire but overwhelmed by repair work and no one to help me. I hope that I will be able to begin to make rufflers again
in the near future and there is the possibility that the machines will be mass produced again in the future by another person. I will post that information to this web site if those things happen. In the mean time, I can still put interested
persons on a waiting list. Just email me your name, phone
and location. There are probably 70 people on the list now.
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We are currently converting used machines (generic
copies of Singer class 15) into Johnson Ruffling Machines
using simple manufacturing methods in our Raleigh, NC shop.
These used machines are Japanese and Taiwanese machines
that were sold by the millions in the US during the 20th
century. These machines are in excellent condition except
for a few scatches and they are of better quality than the
new Chinese machines that we had been using. This arrangement
works well because I can purchase the machines one at a
time from sellers in the US whereas to get Chinese machines
would require the importation of large quantities (perhaps
900 machines at a time) as well as having to deal with dubious
foreign sources. I also like the idea of reusing the "good
stuff" that is out there instead making new stuff using
the earth's precious energy and material resources.
I believe in keeping it local and reducing our carbon footprint
as much as possible. The drawback is that it is a slow process.
I have a list of around 50 people wanting a rufflling machine.
I am trying to get 1 or 2 machines out per week and hope
to speed up as I go along.
If you have questions or want to be put on the waiting list,
call between 10am and 5pm EST or email me. If you want to
be on the waiting list, please let me have your phone number
and email address and also whether you want the dress plate
or not.
Sam Johnson, Jr.